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Izanne Breitenbach


I embarked on my CrossFit journey in 2013, seeking a more challenging and supportive fitness environment than the traditional gym. Since then, I've immersed myself in the sport as an athlete, former affiliate owner, and coach. I have trained through 3 pregnancies, and know what it is to be a mom juggling your own battles and competing priorities.

Overall, CrossFit has become more than just a place to train; it's a community that drives me to be a better coach, athlete, and parent.

What gets me out of bed in the morning stems from a relentless pursuit of personal excellence. Whether it's nurturing my family or leading and inspiring my clients, I strive to be the best version of myself in every aspect of life.

What I most look forward to when working with a new client: I find immense joy in guiding new clients as they discover their inner strength and potential. Witnessing their mental and physical transformation is incredibly rewarding, as it often spills over into positive changes in other areas of their lives.

Outside of work you’ll find me: spending quality time with loved ones or embracing the great outdoors. Hiking, trail running, cycling, and open water swimming are my favorite ways to recharge and connect with nature.

Izanne Breitenbach


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